Transport needs workshop & local transport information stalls

Transport needs workshop & local transport information stalls

Join our workshop to tell us what transport you want and need so what you tell us can inform our future research. Or drop by for stalls.

By Transport & Health Integrated research NetworK

Date and time

Friday, May 31 · 10:30am - 1:30pm GMT+1


Newport Memorial Hall

West Street Newport SA42 0TF United Kingdom

About this event

  • 3 hours

Transport needs workshop & local transport information stalls

Researchers on transport and health at Aberystwyth University recognise that meeting transport needs in your community is an issue that needs to be better understood and we want you to help us better understand it.

We want you to tell us what transport you want and need and what you tell us can inform our future research.

This is not an event to implement a solution but it’s about capturing what you want and need and feeding that into our research.

The workshop will involve the following elements:

  • Each person choosing one image from a selection of images to help you explain how you feel about transport in your area at the moment.
  • Each person can choose to go to one of four different tables and suggest ideas to put down for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats related to transport in your area.
  • Working in small groups to share experiences of when travelling in your community let you down or when it was really positive or both. In the groups of three, one person will listen, one will tell their stories and one will take notes (or someone from the event team can take notes for that person if they don't want to so that they can listen too).

We want to explore how similar or different the wants and needs are in rural, suburban and urban communities so we will be holding three different roadshows.

This event has a workshop from 10:30 to 13:00 which you sign up to and at 13:00 you will get a free lunch.

Throughout the time of the workshop there will also be a seperate space at the venue for getting information about local transport options and sharing your views, so you can still take part even if you can only pop in for a few minutes and cannot attend the whole workshop.

When you complete the registration form you can tell us about any dietary needs or accessibility needs and if you need community transport minibus to collect you from your village to take you to Newport if you don't have a car and can't get a bus or lift share.

This event will be conducted in English but a Welsh interpreter will be available so when you book a place please let us know if you will needing them for small group work.

The venue will have a quiet space to have time out from the workshop, for breast feeding/ lactating or for prayer. If you think you might need this room during the event please let us know when you are booking a place so we can make sure you know where the room is when you arrive.

Don't have time to take part in the workshop?

Then drop in to see stalls & get information about local transport options from PACTO and Sustrans who will also be attending this event. You do not need to reserve a place for this.


Children are welcome in the workshop when accompanied by an adult.

Sustrans will be providing children's scooter skills sessions in the main hall drop in area.

There will be soft play, toys and colouring in for children and families because its half term in the main hall drop in area for supervised children.


Service Buses: T5 Traws Cymru service operated by Richard Brothers stops on Newport High Street at Newport Square Stop from Cardigan or Haverfordwest directions. Arrives 9:29 or 10:29 and we will wait for bus users to arrive to kick off the event.

Fflecsi bus bookable service: bus service that replaced the Poppit Rocket Pembrokeshire | Transport for Wales ( look at the 'Poppit Zone' page. You can book this in advance via an app or phone call and it picks up near you where its safe for the bus to stop. You pay when you board and you need to have an account with a pin to book and you can set this up via a phone call or on the app.

Car share: sign up to Take Me Too care sharing app Home - Take Me Too

Car parking: there will be a few disabled bay parking spaces directly outside the Memorial Hall venue and other parking is available in Newport town car parks and on the A487 lay by near the Memorial Hall.


Gweithdy anghenion trafnidiaeth a stondinau gwybodaeth am drafnidiaeth lleol

Ymunwch â’n gweithdy i roi gwybod pa drafnidiaeth rydych ei eisiau a’i angen er mwyn i ni allu defnyddio hynny wrth wneud ymchwil yn y dyfodol. Neu galwch heibio i weld y stondinau.

Mae ymchwilwyr ar drafnidiaeth ac iechyd ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yn cydnabod bod angen dealltwriaeth well ynglŷn â darparu ar gyfer anghenion trafnidiaeth yn eich cymuned ac fe hoffem i chi ein cynorthwyo yn hyn o beth.

Rydyn ni eisiau ichi ddweud wrthym pa drafnidiaeth sydd ei eisiau a’i angen arnoch ac fe allwn ddefnyddio hynny wrth wneud ymchwil yn y dyfodol.

Nid achlysur i ddatrys y mater yw hwn ond i ddeall yr hyn sydd ei eisiau a’i angen arnoch chi a bwydo hynny i’n gwaith ymchwil.

Bydd y gweithdy yn cynnwys yr elfennau canlynol:

  • Pob un yn dewis un ddelwedd o blith nifer i geisio esbonio eich teimladau ynglŷn â thrafnidiaeth yn eich ardal ar hyn o bryd.
  • Gall pob unigolyn ddewis mynd i un o bedwar bwrdd gwahanol ac awgrymu syniadau i’w nodi ar gyfer cryfderau, gwendidau, cyfleoedd, neu fygythiadau yn gysylltiedig â thrafnidiaeth yn eich ardal.
  • Gweithio mewn grwpiau bach i rannu profiadau am enghreifftiau pryd y cawsoch brofiad gwael wrth deithio yn eich cymuned neu adeg pan fu eich profiad yn gadarnhaol, neu’r ddau. Mewn grwpiau o dri, bydd un yn gwrando, un yn dweud ei hanes, ac un yn gwneud nodiadau (neu gall un o’r tîm gymryd nodiadau ar eich rhan os yw’n well gennych wrando hefyd).

Fe hoffen ni weld pa mor debyg neu wahanol yw’r anghenion mewn cymunedau gwledig, maestrefol, a threfol felly fe fyddwn yn cynnal tair sioe wahanol.

Mae gan yr achlysur weithdy o 10:30 tan 13:00: gallwch gofrestru amdano tan 13:00 ac fe gewch ginio am ddim.

Trwy gydol y gweithdy bydd hefyd le ar wahân i gael gwybodaeth am ddewisiadau teithio lleol ac i rannu eich safbwyntiau, felly gallwch gymryd rhan hyd yn oed os mai dim ond ychydig amser sydd gennych ac na allwch fynd i’r gweithdy cyfan.

Wrth lenwi’r ffurflen gofrestru gallwch ddweud wrthym am unrhyw anghenion deiet neu ofynion hygyrchedd a rhoi gwybod a oes angen i fws cymunedol eich nôl o’ch pentref a mynd â chi i Dredraeth os nad oes gennych gar ac nad oes modd ichi gael bws na rhannu car.

Cynhelir yr achlysur yn Saesneg ond bydd cyfieithydd wrth law felly wrth archebu lle cofiwch roi gwybod a fyddwch angen y cyfieithydd i’r grwpiau bach.

Bydd lle tawel yn y lleoliad os oes angen cymryd egwyl o’r gweithdy, ar gyfer bwydo babi neu ar gyfer gweddi. Os credwch y byddwch angen yr ystafell hon yn ystod yr achlysur rhowch wybod wrth archebu fel y gallwn ddangos ymhle mae’r stafell pan gyrhaeddwch.

Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Pa mor hygyrch yw'r lleoliad?

Gellir cyrraedd mynedfa'r brif neuadd trwy ddefnyddio ramp symudol a does dim gris i fynd i'r ystafell ardd.

Pa fath o doiledau sydd yn y lleoliad?

Dim ond ym mhen blaen y brif neuadd y mae toiledau. Mae yno doiledau dynion a menywod ar wahân a thoiled un-rhyw hygyrch i gadeiriau olwyn.

Pa luniaeth fydd yn cael ei gynnig?

Byddwn yn darparu te, coffi, te ffrwythau trwy gydol y digwyddiad, bydd y cinio a ddarperir yn un llysieuol a bydd dewisiadau di-glwten ar gael hefyd. Os oes gennych ofynion dietegol ychwanegol rhowch wybod i ni ar y ffurflen archebu.

A oes lle tawel i gael seibiant o'r prif ddigwyddiad?

Byddwn yn defnyddio'r ystafell bwyllgor yn y lleoliad i fod yn fan tawel i'r rhai sydd angen egwyl o'r gweithdy neu sydd angen lle i fwydo ar y fron/llaetha neu ar gyfer gweddi. Rhowch wybod i ni ar y ffurflen archebu os credwch y gallai fod angen yr ystafell hon arnoch yn ystod y digwyddiad.

Frequently asked questions

How accessible is the venue?

The main hall entrance can be accessed via a mobile ramp and the garden room entrance is step free.

What toilets does the venue have?

Bathrooms are at the front of the main hall only. There are separate male and female toilets and a unisex wheelchair accessible toilet.

What is are the refreshments on offer?

We will provide tea, coffee, fruit tea throughout the event and lunch will be provided as default vegetarian and gluten free options will also be available, but if you have additional dietary requirements then please tell us on the booking form.

Is there a quiet space away from the main event?

We will be using the committee room at the venue as a quiet space for those who need a quiet time out from the workshop, or need room for breastfeeding/ lactating or for prayer. Please let us know on the booking form if you think you might need this room during the event.

What are the chair dimensions?

Garden Room chairs for workshop - 38cm wide, 39cm depth. Main Hall (for stalls) chairs - 46cm wide, 43cm depth. Quiet room - 41cm wide, 36cm depth.